Principle Of Life

7 Principles Of Life That Everyone Knows, But Only A Few Follow,

1. No Strain, No Gain

We often talk about doing all kinds of crazy shit — climb mountains, run marathons, skydive, start businesses, travel the world, write books, record albums, make movies, the list is endless. Just think about what’s on your bucket list for a second. Now, can I ask you one thing? Why haven’t you done those things?

2. Avoid Negativity At All Cost

Again, everybody knows this, but I almost never see people apply this in their life.
They put up with negativity at work, at home, with their friends, family.
And it’s not weird. Because everywhere you look, there’s negativity. In fact, people are inherently negative. That’s how we’re hardwired. That’s why you see so much complaining, lying, blaming, backstabbing, jealousy, bullying, in the world.

3. Give More Than You Take

As a baby, you’re taken care of. Your parents give you food, shelter, and if you’re lucky, a lot of love. Even if you had a bad childhood  —  you’ve been giving many things like education, food, etc.

4. Time Is More Valuable Than Money

Out of all the resources in the world, time is the most valuable resource you have.
“Yeah dude, I know that by now.”
But why do we collectively spend time like we have an unlimited supply of it? Do you ever stop and think about how much time you have left on this earth? Let’s say you get to live to 80 years. Just do the math. It’s not that long if you keep wasting your time.

5. Create Your Own Path

We look at others and view them as examples. Fathers, mothers, brothers, sisters, friends, bosses, mentors, authors, entrepreneurs, artists.
I’ve done that too. In fact, I still do it. Learning from others is one of the best things that I’ve done. Being humble is a good thing.

6. Do Whatever Life Expects Of You

Look, life is random. Why are you born to your parents? Why do you live where you live? Why were you bullied at school? Why, why, why?
Do you have the answers? I doubt it.

7. Life Moves In One Direction

You can live in three different time dimensions in your head:
The past
The future
The present
If you live in the past, you’re stuck in “why” mode. That means you always think about why things happened. That’s a recipe for unhappiness.
If you live in the future, you live in “what if” mode. That state of mind causes anxiety about everything that MIGHT happen in the future. Again, that’s a recipe for living a timid life.


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